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About Trojan

Trojan (Suzhou) material technology Co., Ltd was established in 2005. It is a professional China wholesale Metallurgical MOUNTING Suppliers and OEM/ODM Metallurgical MOUNTING Company. Trojan has experienced professional and technical personnel who have been engaged in this industry for many years, and can guarantee high-quality production.Metallurgical MOUNTING and other products. At the same time, the company has a number of inventions, copyrights and product design patents. The company has passed ISO, CE and other system certifications, and its products are widely used in metallographic testing laboratories in various industries at home and abroad, and have been widely recognized by customers.

Industry knowledge

What is the purpose of metallurgical mounting in materials science?

Sample Protection: Metallurgical samples can be fragile, prone to damage, or difficult to handle in their original forms. Mounting helps protect the sample from physical distortion, cracking, or breakage during preparation and analysis.
Enhanced Microscopic Examination: Mounting materials such as resins provide a clear, consistent background against which the sample's microstructure can be observed. This clear background allows for accurate observation of microstructural features, such as grain boundaries, phases, inclusions, and defects, under a microscope.
Uniform Surface Preparation: After embedding, the mounted sample can be subjected to a series of grinding and polishing steps to create a smooth, flat surface. This uniform surface is crucial for obtaining accurate and consistent microscopic images and measurements.
Chemical and Mechanical Testing: Metallurgical mounting facilitates the application of various chemical etchants and mechanical tests to the sample's surface. This enables researchers to reveal specific microstructural features, phases, or defects, aiding in the characterization of the material's properties and behavior.
Documentation and Analysis: Once prepared, mounted samples can be examined using various microscopy techniques, including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These analyses help researchers understand the material's composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties.
Comparison and Quality Control: Mounting allows for the consistent preparation of multiple samples from the same material or different materials. This consistency is essential for making accurate comparisons between samples, conducting quality control assessments, and identifying variations in microstructure or properties.

What are some common challenges or issues that researchers might encounter during metallurgical mounting?

Sample Distortion: During the embedding process, the differences in thermal expansion coefficients between the mounting material and the sample can lead to sample distortion or warping. This distortion can affect the accuracy of microstructural observations and measurements.
Air Entrapment: Improper mixing or pouring of the mounting material can result in the entrapment of air bubbles within the sample. These air bubbles can create voids in the mounted sample, disrupting the sample's integrity and the quality of microscopic images.
Cracking and Delamination: Inadequate curing or improper handling of the mounted samples can lead to cracking or delamination (separation of layers) between the sample and the mounting material. This can result in loss of sample integrity and compromised microstructural observations.
Uneven Embedding: Uneven distribution of the mounting material around the sample can lead to uneven grinding and polishing during sample preparation. This unevenness can impact the accuracy of microstructural analysis and make it challenging to achieve consistent results.
Inadequate Hardness: The choice of mounting material's hardness should match the hardness of the sample. If the mounting material is too hard, it can lead to excessive abrasion during grinding and polishing, potentially altering the sample's true microstructure.
Chemical Reactions: Interaction between the mounting material and the sample, particularly if the sample is chemically reactive, can lead to undesirable reactions that alter the sample's surface or microstructure. This is particularly important when dealing with sensitive materials.
Temperature and Curing: The curing process of the mounting material is often temperature-sensitive. Incorrect curing temperatures or insufficient curing time can result in incomplete polymerization, leading to reduced sample stability and mechanical strength.
Embedding Artifacts: Sometimes, the act of embedding itself can introduce artifacts, such as small cracks, scratches, or debris, into the sample. These artifacts can interfere with accurate analysis and interpretation.
Choosing Appropriate Mounting Material: Selecting the right mounting material that matches the sample's properties and intended analysis can be challenging. Inappropriate mounting materials may not adequately support the sample or may hinder certain analyses.
Mounting Orientation: Properly orienting the sample within the mounting material is crucial for accurate analysis. Incorrect orientation can lead to difficulties in identifying specific microstructural features or properties.